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Nhaama & Azim

Nhaama and Azim play a big part for the Xaela of the Azim Steppe.
From the beliefs of the Ankhai, Azim and Nhaama remain significant.
Azim's sun gives life to and nourishes all things.

Nhaama's moon gives life to the sky that guides them.


Hence it was an old attitude that men made for good providers and women offered good guidance. But it is only one that sits at the tip of the tongue of the older generation, as time only proved that people were best valued for what they were good at, which means avoiding such assumptions. The Ankhai believe in celebrating each other's strengths.


The idea still rings true in some attitudes in what makes a good relationship, two sides that complement each other make for a stronger pairing. And it relates to the belief where it is better to have 2 specialists in separate things than to have 2 people who are skilled in the same things. 

Khatungarid &
Kite Hawks

Crescent Moon

'Khatungarid' was the name given to a creature in the Ankhai cosmos. Khatungarid is somewhat comparable to Garuda but is seen as the spirit of the mountain. She is modeled after a woman with bird features including a kite's tail. It is believed that Khatungarid serves Nhaama, she is wise and helps guide hunters and people lost in the mountains and in Davalan Grath.


It is believed that she operates through kite birds and because of this kites are revered and given much respect by the Ankhai.

One could speculate a connection between Khatungarid and Llymlaen, the Navigator, just as there can be comparison between Azim and Azeyma.


Kites are also a symbol of courage and honesty.

Music & Navigation


Given the affinity for nature and their love of music and throat singing, it is said their music is inspired by the sounds of nature and they have a song for each landmark. When they find a new landmark, a new song is formed once they immerse themselves and are inspired by their surroundings.


It is through their memorising these songs that they improve their navigation and if they get lost, all they need to do is remember the songs.

Old Trade

Hands Red

There used to be trade with a people on the Ilsabardan side of the Blindfrost. It is unknown what has happened with these people beyond Garlean invasion, but there was a shared culture, meaning Western Ankhai may carry some of their influences in name, culture and practices.


It is believed the people could still exist. Families belonging to old trade sill exist and reside on the West of the Dalvalan Grath and make trips to the main Ankhai camp. These families may still carry Western influences.


Magic Hand

Many Ankhai are at tune with the land and sky, something they achieve through music and they are able to draw power from both. It means that with the right songs sung in the right place may draw magical power through such a connection.


These practices can be compared to Geomancy and Astromancy.  But their ways of tapping into these powers is aligned with their cultural practices.

Painting &
Social Tendencies

Watercolor Stain

The Arkhai are a tribe who put an emphasis on social bonds and building (and never breaking) trust. It is due to their isolated nature and harsh environment, they must always have each other's back and be accountable for each other. It can mean friendship for a member of the Arkhai runs deep and they have traditions and practices born out of it. One of those practices is to do with paint, where they paint each other's bodies and faces as a mark of trust and friendship, meaning if a member of the tribe offers to paint you, then you've earned their trust and respect. It is not a mark of intimacy unless the relationship is intimate.


Heart Outline

The cultural attitude is that a good relationship is complementary, with the two most important things being that they can provide for themselves and that they have strong wisdom and guidance.


Given the importance of holding good bonds, it is encouraged there is a loving relationship and care, so the desire to have each other's back is strongest. It is also expected that a relationship does not harm family bonds, but for a family to object to a relationship then they need a good reason to do so, else it is culturally inappropriate and would harm the reputation and integrity of the family. Love is the most important part of a relationship and therefore it is respected in all consenting forms, with a strong bond it is believed any weaknesses within that relationship can be resolved.


It does not mean Ankhai are also co-dependent as Ankhai are expected to know how to survive if ever separated.


Helping Hand Badge

They are typically cautious in nature when it comes to outsiders, which comes from their history, which may improve with time. However, they are a warming and generous people who, once they've welcomed you, will consider you one of their own. If you wrong them, they will not be so gentle, as for them trust runs deep, which means when broken the wound runs just as deep and you may be expected to prove yourself if you want their mercy (but does not always mean forgiveness).


However, they are more amenable to trusting the judgment of Khatungarid and Nhaama. If it appears you have their favour, then they are more amenable in moments of distrust.


They have a great love and respect for nature and retaining a balance in things and not upsetting spirits. Though they still train to fight and defend the tribe, they do not favour conflict.



The Ankhai are a community who tend to be close to each other and work together. It means they tend to value the idea of doing what you're good at, rather than trying to be as good at as many things as possible, because your skills may complement somebody else's. Why send a good fisher when you have a great fisher? Why send a good hunter when you have a great huntress? So loners and jacks-of-all trade are less common, but it still happens; some types of people prefer to live that way.


Despite this, suvival skills are fairly universal between Ankhi. This is something everybody is expected to be good at for their own benefit.


The Ankhai commonly have the following professions within the tribe:

  • Fishers

  • Hunters

  • Gatherers

  • Herders

  • Scouts

  • Miners

  • Shamans

  • Warriors

  • Navigators

  • Musicians

  • Storytellers

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