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Ankhai Tribe

Custom FFXIV Xaela Tribe for RP


The Ankhai tribe live in the northernmost mountains of the Azim Steppe overlooking the Dalvalan Grath, seemingly an inhospitable place to live, but generations of the tribe have adapted. History kept them away from the steppe itself, there are stories of allied tribes who betrayed them and with the wounds running deep, their ancestors reasoned it was better to go where not many Xaela would and cut off ties from all other tribes.


They believe in the spirit of the mountain, Khatungarid, as a messenger of Nhaama.  They praise Nhaama for her guidance and to Azim for his sustenance. They are excellent navigators and have songs for every landmark and draw their strengths from land and sky.


Given their features and location, one can speculate a connection with the Angura but you will be hard pressed to find Angura who know of them.

They also possess their own language, separate from the Xaela of the Azim Steppe. Xaelan is comparable to Mongolian, whereas Ankhai would be comparable to Tuvan, which has some Mongolian influence, but is Turkic.


Western Ankhai

The Western Ankhai used to trade with Ilsabard, but after the Garlean expansion, trade ended after tragedy ensured. These people went through the worst period of poverty among Ankhai.
They tend to settle near the coast.

  • Many were involved in trade prior to attack

  • Many can understand common

  • Younger generation less likely to speak common

  • Xaelan is less commonly spoken

  • Usually found near coast

  • Some reside in mountains & tundra

  • Naming is usually Sakha/Yakut, some Tuvan, Mongolian & Western names (from Ilsabard)

  • Culturally closer to Sakha/Yakut (as inspiration)

  • Dead settlements between Kezersook & Ilsabard

  • Main settlement is Kezersook, which is coastal

Eastern Ankhai

The ruling class operates in the East, but the location is unknown to outsiders aside from a select few.

There is a mountain pass Ankhai have settled in that welcomes outsiders.

  • A lot of reindeer herders & hunters

  • Many can understand Xaelan

  • Tend to settle in mountains & tundra

  • Some by the sea & fish in the Blindfrost

  • Geographically & culturally closer to the steppe

  • Culturally closer to Tuvans & Mongolians (as inspiration)

  • Naming conventions are typically Tuvan or Mongolian

  • Main settlement location (Doshkhol) unknown to outsiders unless trusted enough

Want to Join in?

You can join in as a friend of the Ankhai or as a member of the tribe. However, we ask that people fill out a form, just because we want people who'll be a good fit and that we're a good fit for.

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